The Open Toolkit library
Enumerations | |
enum | GWL { WNDPROC = (-4), HINSTANCE = (-6), HWNDPARENT = (-8), STYLE = (-16), EXSTYLE = (-20), USERDATA = (-21), ID = (-12) } |
Window field offsets for GetWindowLong() and GetWindowLongPtr(). More... | |
enum | MouseKeys { None = 0, Left = 0x0001, Right = 0x0002, Middle = 0x0010, XButton1 = 0x0020, XButton2 = 0x0040 } |
Enumerates flag bits for which mouse-buttons are held down during WM_MOUSEMOVE, WM_XBUTTONDOWN, and others.. More... | |
enum | MouseXButtonHIWORD { XButton1 = 1, XButton2 = 2 } |
Paramaters sent in wParam HIWORD of WM_XBUTTONDOWN, WM_XBUTTONUP More... | |
enum | ShGetFileIconFlags : int { ShGetFileIconFlags.Icon = 0x000000100, ShGetFileIconFlags.DisplayName = 0x000000200, ShGetFileIconFlags.TypeName = 0x000000400, ShGetFileIconFlags.Attributes = 0x000000800, ShGetFileIconFlags.IconLocation = 0x000001000, ShGetFileIconFlags.ExeType = 0x000002000, ShGetFileIconFlags.SysIconIndex = 0x000004000, ShGetFileIconFlags.LinkOverlay = 0x000008000, ShGetFileIconFlags.Selected = 0x000010000, ShGetFileIconFlags.Attr_Specified = 0x000020000, ShGetFileIconFlags.LargeIcon = 0x000000000, ShGetFileIconFlags.SmallIcon = 0x000000001, ShGetFileIconFlags.OpenIcon = 0x000000002, ShGetFileIconFlags.ShellIconSize = 0x000000004, ShGetFileIconFlags.PIDL = 0x000000008, ShGetFileIconFlags.UseFileAttributes = 0x000000010, ShGetFileIconFlags.AddOverlays = 0x000000020, ShGetFileIconFlags.OverlayIndex = 0x000000040 } |
enum | MonitorFrom { Null = 0, Primary = 1, Nearest = 2 } |
enum | CursorName : int { Arrow = 32512 } |
enum | TrackMouseEventFlags : uint { HOVER = 0x00000001, LEAVE = 0x00000002, NONCLIENT = 0x00000010, QUERY = 0x40000000, CANCEL = 0x80000000 } |
enum | DeviceNotification { WINDOW_HANDLE = 0x00000000, SERVICE_HANDLE = 0x00000001, ALL_INTERFACE_CLASSES = 0x00000004 } |
enum | DeviceBroadcastType { OEM = 0, VOLUME = 2, PORT = 3, INTERFACE = 5, HANDLE = 6 } |
enum | ArbCreateContext { DebugBit = 0x0001, ForwardCompatibleBit = 0x0002, MajorVersion = 0x2091, MinorVersion = 0x2092, LayerPlane = 0x2093, Flags = 0x2094, ErrorInvalidVersion = 0x2095 } |
enum | WGL_ARB_buffer_region { BackColorBufferBitArb = ((int)0x00000002), StencilBufferBitArb = ((int)0x00000008), FrontColorBufferBitArb = ((int)0x00000001), DepthBufferBitArb = ((int)0x00000004) } |
enum | WGL_EXT_pixel_format { SupportGdiExt = ((int)0x200f), TypeColorindexExt = ((int)0x202c), AccelerationExt = ((int)0x2003), GreenBitsExt = ((int)0x2017), DrawToWindowExt = ((int)0x2001), SwapCopyExt = ((int)0x2029), DrawToBitmapExt = ((int)0x2002), TransparentExt = ((int)0x200a), SwapMethodExt = ((int)0x2007), SwapLayerBuffersExt = ((int)0x2006), PixelTypeExt = ((int)0x2013), AlphaShiftExt = ((int)0x201c), AccumRedBitsExt = ((int)0x201e), FullAccelerationExt = ((int)0x2027), SupportOpenglExt = ((int)0x2010), BlueShiftExt = ((int)0x201a), RedBitsExt = ((int)0x2015), NoAccelerationExt = ((int)0x2025), StereoExt = ((int)0x2012), GreenShiftExt = ((int)0x2018), BlueBitsExt = ((int)0x2019), AlphaBitsExt = ((int)0x201b), RedShiftExt = ((int)0x2016), DepthBitsExt = ((int)0x2022), TypeRgbaExt = ((int)0x202b), GenericAccelerationExt = ((int)0x2026), AccumAlphaBitsExt = ((int)0x2021), AccumGreenBitsExt = ((int)0x201f), TransparentValueExt = ((int)0x200b), AccumBlueBitsExt = ((int)0x2020), ShareDepthExt = ((int)0x200c), ShareAccumExt = ((int)0x200e), SwapExchangeExt = ((int)0x2028), AccumBitsExt = ((int)0x201d), NumberUnderlaysExt = ((int)0x2009), StencilBitsExt = ((int)0x2023), DoubleBufferExt = ((int)0x2011), NeedPaletteExt = ((int)0x2004), ColorBitsExt = ((int)0x2014), SwapUndefinedExt = ((int)0x202a), NeedSystemPaletteExt = ((int)0x2005), NumberOverlaysExt = ((int)0x2008), AuxBuffersExt = ((int)0x2024), NumberPixelFormatsExt = ((int)0x2000), ShareStencilExt = ((int)0x200d) } |
enum | WGL_ARB_pixel_format { ShareStencilArb = ((int)0x200d), AccumBitsArb = ((int)0x201d), NumberUnderlaysArb = ((int)0x2009), StereoArb = ((int)0x2012), MaxPbufferHeightArb = ((int)0x2030), TypeRgbaArb = ((int)0x202b), SupportGdiArb = ((int)0x200f), NeedSystemPaletteArb = ((int)0x2005), AlphaBitsArb = ((int)0x201b), ShareDepthArb = ((int)0x200c), SupportOpenglArb = ((int)0x2010), ColorBitsArb = ((int)0x2014), AccumRedBitsArb = ((int)0x201e), MaxPbufferWidthArb = ((int)0x202f), NumberOverlaysArb = ((int)0x2008), MaxPbufferPixelsArb = ((int)0x202e), NeedPaletteArb = ((int)0x2004), RedShiftArb = ((int)0x2016), AccelerationArb = ((int)0x2003), GreenBitsArb = ((int)0x2017), TransparentGreenValueArb = ((int)0x2038), PixelTypeArb = ((int)0x2013), AuxBuffersArb = ((int)0x2024), DrawToWindowArb = ((int)0x2001), RedBitsArb = ((int)0x2015), NumberPixelFormatsArb = ((int)0x2000), GenericAccelerationArb = ((int)0x2026), BlueBitsArb = ((int)0x2019), PbufferLargestArb = ((int)0x2033), AccumAlphaBitsArb = ((int)0x2021), TransparentArb = ((int)0x200a), FullAccelerationArb = ((int)0x2027), ShareAccumArb = ((int)0x200e), SwapExchangeArb = ((int)0x2028), SwapUndefinedArb = ((int)0x202a), TransparentAlphaValueArb = ((int)0x203a), PbufferHeightArb = ((int)0x2035), TransparentBlueValueArb = ((int)0x2039), SwapMethodArb = ((int)0x2007), StencilBitsArb = ((int)0x2023), DepthBitsArb = ((int)0x2022), GreenShiftArb = ((int)0x2018), TransparentRedValueArb = ((int)0x2037), DoubleBufferArb = ((int)0x2011), NoAccelerationArb = ((int)0x2025), TypeColorindexArb = ((int)0x202c), SwapLayerBuffersArb = ((int)0x2006), AccumBlueBitsArb = ((int)0x2020), DrawToPbufferArb = ((int)0x202d), AccumGreenBitsArb = ((int)0x201f), PbufferWidthArb = ((int)0x2034), TransparentIndexValueArb = ((int)0x203b), AlphaShiftArb = ((int)0x201c), DrawToBitmapArb = ((int)0x2002), BlueShiftArb = ((int)0x201a), SwapCopyArb = ((int)0x2029) } |
enum | WGL_EXT_pbuffer { DrawToPbufferExt = ((int)0x202d), PbufferLargestExt = ((int)0x2033), OptimalPbufferWidthExt = ((int)0x2031), MaxPbufferPixelsExt = ((int)0x202e), MaxPbufferHeightExt = ((int)0x2030), PbufferWidthExt = ((int)0x2034), MaxPbufferWidthExt = ((int)0x202f), OptimalPbufferHeightExt = ((int)0x2032), PbufferHeightExt = ((int)0x2035) } |
enum | WGL_ARB_pbuffer { PbufferWidthArb = ((int)0x2034), TransparentGreenValueArb = ((int)0x2038), PbufferHeightArb = ((int)0x2035), PbufferLostArb = ((int)0x2036), DrawToPbufferArb = ((int)0x202d), TransparentIndexValueArb = ((int)0x203b), TransparentRedValueArb = ((int)0x2037), MaxPbufferPixelsArb = ((int)0x202e), TransparentAlphaValueArb = ((int)0x203a), MaxPbufferWidthArb = ((int)0x202f), MaxPbufferHeightArb = ((int)0x2030), TransparentBlueValueArb = ((int)0x2039), PbufferLargestArb = ((int)0x2033) } |
enum | WGL_EXT_depth_float { DepthFloatExt = ((int)0x2040) } |
enum | WGL_EXT_multisample { SampleBuffersExt = ((int)0x2041), SamplesExt = ((int)0x2042) } |
enum | WGL_ARB_multisample { SampleBuffersArb = ((int)0x2041), SamplesArb = ((int)0x2042) } |
enum | WGL_EXT_make_current_read { ErrorInvalidPixelTypeExt = ((int)0x2043) } |
enum | WGL_ARB_make_current_read { ErrorInvalidPixelTypeArb = ((int)0x2043), ErrorIncompatibleDeviceContextsArb = ((int)0x2054) } |
enum | WGL_I3D_genlock { GenlockSourceMultiviewI3d = ((int)0x2044), GenlockSourceEdgeBothI3d = ((int)0x204c), GenlockSourceEdgeRisingI3d = ((int)0x204b), GenlockSourceDigitalSyncI3d = ((int)0x2048), GenlockSourceExtenalFieldI3d = ((int)0x2046), GenlockSourceDigitalFieldI3d = ((int)0x2049), GenlockSourceExtenalSyncI3d = ((int)0x2045), GenlockSourceEdgeFallingI3d = ((int)0x204a), GenlockSourceExtenalTtlI3d = ((int)0x2047) } |
enum | WGL_I3D_gamma { GammaExcludeDesktopI3d = ((int)0x204f), GammaTableSizeI3d = ((int)0x204e) } |
enum | WGL_I3D_digital_video_control { DigitalVideoCursorAlphaFramebufferI3d = ((int)0x2050), DigitalVideoGammaCorrectedI3d = ((int)0x2053), DigitalVideoCursorAlphaValueI3d = ((int)0x2051), DigitalVideoCursorIncludedI3d = ((int)0x2052) } |
enum | WGL_3DFX_multisample { SampleBuffers3dfx = ((int)0x2060), Samples3dfx = ((int)0x2061) } |
enum | WGL_ARB_render_texture { TextureCubeMapPositiveXArb = ((int)0x207d), TextureCubeMapPositiveYArb = ((int)0x207f), Aux0Arb = ((int)0x2087), Texture1dArb = ((int)0x2079), Aux6Arb = ((int)0x208d), TextureCubeMapArb = ((int)0x2078), TextureFormatArb = ((int)0x2072), BackRightArb = ((int)0x2086), BindToTextureRgbArb = ((int)0x2070), MipmapLevelArb = ((int)0x207b), CubeMapFaceArb = ((int)0x207c), TextureCubeMapNegativeXArb = ((int)0x207e), Aux7Arb = ((int)0x208e), Aux8Arb = ((int)0x208f), MipmapTextureArb = ((int)0x2074), NoTextureArb = ((int)0x2077), Aux3Arb = ((int)0x208a), Texture2DArb = ((int)0x207a), Aux1Arb = ((int)0x2088), TextureCubeMapPositiveZArb = ((int)0x2081), BindToTextureRgbaArb = ((int)0x2071), TextureCubeMapNegativeYArb = ((int)0x2080), TextureRgbaArb = ((int)0x2076), FrontRightArb = ((int)0x2084), Aux5Arb = ((int)0x208c), Aux4Arb = ((int)0x208b), TextureTargetArb = ((int)0x2073), FrontLeftArb = ((int)0x2083), Aux9Arb = ((int)0x2090), TextureRgbArb = ((int)0x2075), BackLeftArb = ((int)0x2085), TextureCubeMapNegativeZArb = ((int)0x2082), Aux2Arb = ((int)0x2089) } |
enum | WGL_NV_render_texture_rectangle { BindToTextureRectangleRgbNv = ((int)0x20a0), BindToTextureRectangleRgbaNv = ((int)0x20a1), TextureRectangleNv = ((int)0x20a2) } |
enum | WGL_NV_render_depth_texture { DepthTextureFormatNv = ((int)0x20a5), TextureDepthComponentNv = ((int)0x20a6), BindToTextureDepthNv = ((int)0x20a3), DepthComponentNv = ((int)0x20a7), BindToTextureRectangleDepthNv = ((int)0x20a4) } |
enum | WGL_NV_float_buffer { BindToTextureRectangleFloatRNv = ((int)0x20b1), TextureFloatRNv = ((int)0x20b5), TextureFloatRgbNv = ((int)0x20b7), TextureFloatRgNv = ((int)0x20b6), TextureFloatRgbaNv = ((int)0x20b8), BindToTextureRectangleFloatRgbaNv = ((int)0x20b4), FloatComponentsNv = ((int)0x20b0), BindToTextureRectangleFloatRgNv = ((int)0x20b2), BindToTextureRectangleFloatRgbNv = ((int)0x20b3) } |
enum | WGL_ARB_pixel_format_float { TypeRgbaFloatArb = ((int)0x21a0) } |
enum | WGL_ATI_pixel_format_float { TypeRgbaFloatAti = ((int)0x21a0) } |
enum | WGL_font_type { FontLines = ((int)0) } |
enum | All { SwapCopyExt = ((int)0x2029), BackColorBufferBitArb = ((int)0x00000002), FullAccelerationArb = ((int)0x2027), AccelerationExt = ((int)0x2003), GenlockSourceMultiviewI3d = ((int)0x2044), Aux3Arb = ((int)0x208a), TextureCubeMapNegativeYArb = ((int)0x2080), DoubleBufferArb = ((int)0x2011), SwapUndefinedExt = ((int)0x202a), SupportGdiArb = ((int)0x200f), Aux2Arb = ((int)0x2089), TextureCubeMapArb = ((int)0x2078), SwapLayerBuffersExt = ((int)0x2006), SwapCopyArb = ((int)0x2029), ErrorIncompatibleDeviceContextsArb = ((int)0x2054), TypeColorindexArb = ((int)0x202c), DigitalVideoCursorIncludedI3d = ((int)0x2052), NeedPaletteExt = ((int)0x2004), RedBitsArb = ((int)0x2015), TextureCubeMapNegativeXArb = ((int)0x207e), SampleBuffersExt = ((int)0x2041), GenericAccelerationExt = ((int)0x2026), BindToTextureRectangleRgbaNv = ((int)0x20a1), NoTextureArb = ((int)0x2077), FrontColorBufferBitArb = ((int)0x00000001), TransparentValueExt = ((int)0x200b), AlphaBitsArb = ((int)0x201b), RedBitsExt = ((int)0x2015), PbufferHeightArb = ((int)0x2035), BindToTextureRectangleFloatRgbaNv = ((int)0x20b4), SampleBuffersArb = ((int)0x2041), MipmapLevelArb = ((int)0x207b), NeedSystemPaletteExt = ((int)0x2005), Aux4Arb = ((int)0x208b), TextureFormatArb = ((int)0x2072), AccumBitsExt = ((int)0x201d), AccumBlueBitsExt = ((int)0x2020), BackLeftArb = ((int)0x2085), AlphaBitsExt = ((int)0x201b), StencilBitsArb = ((int)0x2023), DrawToPbufferExt = ((int)0x202d), FullAccelerationExt = ((int)0x2027), ColorBitsExt = ((int)0x2014), BindToTextureRectangleFloatRgNv = ((int)0x20b2), DepthBufferBitArb = ((int)0x00000004), BindToTextureRgbaArb = ((int)0x2071), AccumGreenBitsArb = ((int)0x201f), AccumBitsArb = ((int)0x201d), TypeRgbaFloatArb = ((int)0x21a0), NeedPaletteArb = ((int)0x2004), ShareAccumArb = ((int)0x200e), TransparentArb = ((int)0x200a), ShareStencilArb = ((int)0x200d), Aux5Arb = ((int)0x208c), ImageBufferLockI3d = ((int)0x00000002), TextureFloatRNv = ((int)0x20b5), DepthComponentNv = ((int)0x20a7), FloatComponentsNv = ((int)0x20b0), TransparentGreenValueArb = ((int)0x2038), GenlockSourceExtenalTtlI3d = ((int)0x2047), NeedSystemPaletteArb = ((int)0x2005), BlueBitsExt = ((int)0x2019), GreenShiftExt = ((int)0x2018), OptimalPbufferWidthExt = ((int)0x2031), AuxBuffersExt = ((int)0x2024), TypeRgbaFloatAti = ((int)0x21a0), FrontRightArb = ((int)0x2084), DepthBitsExt = ((int)0x2022), GammaTableSizeI3d = ((int)0x204e), AccumAlphaBitsArb = ((int)0x2021), Aux0Arb = ((int)0x2087), TransparentIndexValueArb = ((int)0x203b), AccumGreenBitsExt = ((int)0x201f), TransparentBlueValueArb = ((int)0x2039), NoAccelerationArb = ((int)0x2025), MaxPbufferPixelsArb = ((int)0x202e), GammaExcludeDesktopI3d = ((int)0x204f), MaxPbufferPixelsExt = ((int)0x202e), AccumBlueBitsArb = ((int)0x2020), SwapUndefinedArb = ((int)0x202a), ShareDepthExt = ((int)0x200c), GenlockSourceEdgeBothI3d = ((int)0x204c), Samples3dfx = ((int)0x2061), DoubleBufferExt = ((int)0x2011), BindToTextureRectangleFloatRgbNv = ((int)0x20b3), SwapMethodExt = ((int)0x2007), ErrorInvalidPixelTypeArb = ((int)0x2043), GreenShiftArb = ((int)0x2018), TextureFloatRgbaNv = ((int)0x20b8), Aux1Arb = ((int)0x2088), GreenBitsArb = ((int)0x2017), NumberPixelFormatsExt = ((int)0x2000), NumberOverlaysExt = ((int)0x2008), PixelTypeArb = ((int)0x2013), SwapLayerBuffersArb = ((int)0x2006), DrawToBitmapArb = ((int)0x2002), NumberPixelFormatsArb = ((int)0x2000), PbufferLostArb = ((int)0x2036), Aux9Arb = ((int)0x2090), TextureCubeMapPositiveZArb = ((int)0x2081), MaxPbufferHeightArb = ((int)0x2030), TransparentExt = ((int)0x200a), PbufferLargestArb = ((int)0x2033), SwapMethodArb = ((int)0x2007), TextureRgbaArb = ((int)0x2076), PbufferWidthExt = ((int)0x2034), OptimalPbufferHeightExt = ((int)0x2032), StencilBitsExt = ((int)0x2023), ShareStencilExt = ((int)0x200d), DepthFloatExt = ((int)0x2040), BindToTextureRgbArb = ((int)0x2070), BindToTextureRectangleRgbNv = ((int)0x20a0), GenlockSourceDigitalSyncI3d = ((int)0x2048), AccumAlphaBitsExt = ((int)0x2021), GenlockSourceExtenalSyncI3d = ((int)0x2045), RedShiftExt = ((int)0x2016), GenlockSourceDigitalFieldI3d = ((int)0x2049), FrontLeftArb = ((int)0x2083), BlueShiftArb = ((int)0x201a), PbufferWidthArb = ((int)0x2034), CubeMapFaceArb = ((int)0x207c), StencilBufferBitArb = ((int)0x00000008), NumberOverlaysArb = ((int)0x2008), SwapExchangeExt = ((int)0x2028), BackRightArb = ((int)0x2086), DepthTextureFormatNv = ((int)0x20a5), TextureFloatRgNv = ((int)0x20b6), Texture1dArb = ((int)0x2079), DepthBitsArb = ((int)0x2022), BindToTextureDepthNv = ((int)0x20a3), DrawToWindowArb = ((int)0x2001), TypeRgbaExt = ((int)0x202b), DigitalVideoCursorAlphaValueI3d = ((int)0x2051), ErrorInvalidPixelTypeExt = ((int)0x2043), AccumRedBitsExt = ((int)0x201e), GreenBitsExt = ((int)0x2017), TypeRgbaArb = ((int)0x202b), DigitalVideoCursorAlphaFramebufferI3d = ((int)0x2050), AuxBuffersArb = ((int)0x2024), AccumRedBitsArb = ((int)0x201e), TextureFloatRgbNv = ((int)0x20b7), TypeColorindexExt = ((int)0x202c), TransparentAlphaValueArb = ((int)0x203a), BlueShiftExt = ((int)0x201a), RedShiftArb = ((int)0x2016), PbufferHeightExt = ((int)0x2035), GenlockSourceEdgeRisingI3d = ((int)0x204b), Texture2DArb = ((int)0x207a), NumberUnderlaysArb = ((int)0x2009), NumberUnderlaysExt = ((int)0x2009), DrawToBitmapExt = ((int)0x2002), ShareDepthArb = ((int)0x200c), TextureDepthComponentNv = ((int)0x20a6), NoAccelerationExt = ((int)0x2025), PixelTypeExt = ((int)0x2013), SupportOpenglArb = ((int)0x2010), TextureCubeMapPositiveYArb = ((int)0x207f), DrawToWindowExt = ((int)0x2001), PbufferLargestExt = ((int)0x2033), DrawToPbufferArb = ((int)0x202d), SupportOpenglExt = ((int)0x2010), SampleBuffers3dfx = ((int)0x2060), GenlockSourceExtenalFieldI3d = ((int)0x2046), MaxPbufferHeightExt = ((int)0x2030), SupportGdiExt = ((int)0x200f), Aux7Arb = ((int)0x208e), DigitalVideoGammaCorrectedI3d = ((int)0x2053), ColorBitsArb = ((int)0x2014), Aux6Arb = ((int)0x208d), ShareAccumExt = ((int)0x200e), StereoArb = ((int)0x2012), TextureRgbArb = ((int)0x2075), AccelerationArb = ((int)0x2003), TextureCubeMapPositiveXArb = ((int)0x207d), TransparentRedValueArb = ((int)0x2037), BlueBitsArb = ((int)0x2019), SwapExchangeArb = ((int)0x2028), SamplesExt = ((int)0x2042), AlphaShiftExt = ((int)0x201c), SamplesArb = ((int)0x2042), TextureTargetArb = ((int)0x2073), BindToTextureRectangleDepthNv = ((int)0x20a4), AlphaShiftArb = ((int)0x201c), Aux8Arb = ((int)0x208f), MaxPbufferWidthExt = ((int)0x202f), GenlockSourceEdgeFallingI3d = ((int)0x204a), StereoExt = ((int)0x2012), MaxPbufferWidthArb = ((int)0x202f), TextureRectangleNv = ((int)0x20a2), ImageBufferMinAccessI3d = ((int)0x00000001), TextureCubeMapNegativeZArb = ((int)0x2082), MipmapTextureArb = ((int)0x2074), GenericAccelerationArb = ((int)0x2026), BindToTextureRectangleFloatRNv = ((int)0x20b1), FontLines = ((int)0) } |
enum | WGL_ARB_extensions_string |
enum | WGL_I3D_image_buffer { ImageBufferMinAccessI3d = ((int)0x00000001), ImageBufferLockI3d = ((int)0x00000002) } |
enum | WGL_I3D_swap_frame_lock |
Window field offsets for GetWindowLong() and GetWindowLongPtr().
Enumerates flag bits for which mouse-buttons are held down during WM_MOUSEMOVE, WM_XBUTTONDOWN, and others..
Paramaters sent in wParam HIWORD of WM_XBUTTONDOWN, WM_XBUTTONUP
enum OpenTK.Platform.Windows.ShGetFileIconFlags : int |