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OpenTK.Graphics.Color4 Struct Reference

Represents a color with 4 floating-point components (R, G, B, A). More...

Inherits IEquatable< Color4 >.

Public Member Functions

 Color4 (float r, float g, float b, float a)
 Constructs a new Color4 structure from the specified components. More...
 Color4 (byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a)
 Constructs a new Color4 structure from the specified components. More...
 Color4 (Color color)
 Constructs a new Color4 structure from the specified System.Drawing.Color. More...
int ToArgb ()
 Converts this color to an integer representation with 8 bits per channel. More...
override bool Equals (object obj)
 Compares whether this Color4 structure is equal to the specified object. More...
override int GetHashCode ()
 Calculates the hash code for this Color4 structure. More...
override string ToString ()
 Creates a System.String that describes this Color4 structure. More...
bool Equals (Color4 other)
 Compares whether this Color4 structure is equal to the specified Color4. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static bool operator== (Color4 left, Color4 right)
 Compares the specified Color4 structures for equality. More...
static bool operator!= (Color4 left, Color4 right)
 Compares the specified Color4 structures for inequality. More...
static implicit operator Color4 (Color color)
 Converts the specified System.Drawing.Color to a Color4 structure. More...
static operator Color (Color4 color)
 Converts the specified Color4 to a System.Drawing.Color structure. More...

Public Attributes

float R
 The red component of this Color4 structure. More...
float G
 The green component of this Color4 structure. More...
float B
 The blue component of this Color4 structure. More...
float A
 The alpha component of this Color4 structure. More...


static Color4 Transparent [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 255, 255, 0). More...
static Color4 AliceBlue [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (240, 248, 255, 255). More...
static Color4 AntiqueWhite [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (250, 235, 215, 255). More...
static Color4 Aqua [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 255, 255, 255). More...
static Color4 Aquamarine [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (127, 255, 212, 255). More...
static Color4 Azure [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (240, 255, 255, 255). More...
static Color4 Beige [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (245, 245, 220, 255). More...
static Color4 Bisque [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 228, 196, 255). More...
static Color4 Black [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 0, 0, 255). More...
static Color4 BlanchedAlmond [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 235, 205, 255). More...
static Color4 Blue [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 0, 255, 255). More...
static Color4 BlueViolet [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (138, 43, 226, 255). More...
static Color4 Brown [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (165, 42, 42, 255). More...
static Color4 BurlyWood [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (222, 184, 135, 255). More...
static Color4 CadetBlue [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (95, 158, 160, 255). More...
static Color4 Chartreuse [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (127, 255, 0, 255). More...
static Color4 Chocolate [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (210, 105, 30, 255). More...
static Color4 Coral [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 127, 80, 255). More...
static Color4 CornflowerBlue [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (100, 149, 237, 255). More...
static Color4 Cornsilk [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 248, 220, 255). More...
static Color4 Crimson [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (220, 20, 60, 255). More...
static Color4 Cyan [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 255, 255, 255). More...
static Color4 DarkBlue [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 0, 139, 255). More...
static Color4 DarkCyan [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 139, 139, 255). More...
static Color4 DarkGoldenrod [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (184, 134, 11, 255). More...
static Color4 DarkGray [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (169, 169, 169, 255). More...
static Color4 DarkGreen [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 100, 0, 255). More...
static Color4 DarkKhaki [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (189, 183, 107, 255). More...
static Color4 DarkMagenta [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (139, 0, 139, 255). More...
static Color4 DarkOliveGreen [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (85, 107, 47, 255). More...
static Color4 DarkOrange [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 140, 0, 255). More...
static Color4 DarkOrchid [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (153, 50, 204, 255). More...
static Color4 DarkRed [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (139, 0, 0, 255). More...
static Color4 DarkSalmon [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (233, 150, 122, 255). More...
static Color4 DarkSeaGreen [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (143, 188, 139, 255). More...
static Color4 DarkSlateBlue [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (72, 61, 139, 255). More...
static Color4 DarkSlateGray [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (47, 79, 79, 255). More...
static Color4 DarkTurquoise [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 206, 209, 255). More...
static Color4 DarkViolet [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (148, 0, 211, 255). More...
static Color4 DeepPink [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 20, 147, 255). More...
static Color4 DeepSkyBlue [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 191, 255, 255). More...
static Color4 DimGray [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (105, 105, 105, 255). More...
static Color4 DodgerBlue [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (30, 144, 255, 255). More...
static Color4 Firebrick [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (178, 34, 34, 255). More...
static Color4 FloralWhite [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 250, 240, 255). More...
static Color4 ForestGreen [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (34, 139, 34, 255). More...
static Color4 Fuchsia [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 0, 255, 255). More...
static Color4 Gainsboro [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (220, 220, 220, 255). More...
static Color4 GhostWhite [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (248, 248, 255, 255). More...
static Color4 Gold [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 215, 0, 255). More...
static Color4 Goldenrod [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (218, 165, 32, 255). More...
static Color4 Gray [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (128, 128, 128, 255). More...
static Color4 Green [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 128, 0, 255). More...
static Color4 GreenYellow [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (173, 255, 47, 255). More...
static Color4 Honeydew [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (240, 255, 240, 255). More...
static Color4 HotPink [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 105, 180, 255). More...
static Color4 IndianRed [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (205, 92, 92, 255). More...
static Color4 Indigo [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (75, 0, 130, 255). More...
static Color4 Ivory [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 255, 240, 255). More...
static Color4 Khaki [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (240, 230, 140, 255). More...
static Color4 Lavender [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (230, 230, 250, 255). More...
static Color4 LavenderBlush [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 240, 245, 255). More...
static Color4 LawnGreen [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (124, 252, 0, 255). More...
static Color4 LemonChiffon [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 250, 205, 255). More...
static Color4 LightBlue [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (173, 216, 230, 255). More...
static Color4 LightCoral [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (240, 128, 128, 255). More...
static Color4 LightCyan [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (224, 255, 255, 255). More...
static Color4 LightGoldenrodYellow [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (250, 250, 210, 255). More...
static Color4 LightGreen [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (144, 238, 144, 255). More...
static Color4 LightGray [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (211, 211, 211, 255). More...
static Color4 LightPink [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 182, 193, 255). More...
static Color4 LightSalmon [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 160, 122, 255). More...
static Color4 LightSeaGreen [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (32, 178, 170, 255). More...
static Color4 LightSkyBlue [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (135, 206, 250, 255). More...
static Color4 LightSlateGray [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (119, 136, 153, 255). More...
static Color4 LightSteelBlue [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (176, 196, 222, 255). More...
static Color4 LightYellow [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 255, 224, 255). More...
static Color4 Lime [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 255, 0, 255). More...
static Color4 LimeGreen [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (50, 205, 50, 255). More...
static Color4 Linen [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (250, 240, 230, 255). More...
static Color4 Magenta [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 0, 255, 255). More...
static Color4 Maroon [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (128, 0, 0, 255). More...
static Color4 MediumAquamarine [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (102, 205, 170, 255). More...
static Color4 MediumBlue [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 0, 205, 255). More...
static Color4 MediumOrchid [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (186, 85, 211, 255). More...
static Color4 MediumPurple [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (147, 112, 219, 255). More...
static Color4 MediumSeaGreen [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (60, 179, 113, 255). More...
static Color4 MediumSlateBlue [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (123, 104, 238, 255). More...
static Color4 MediumSpringGreen [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 250, 154, 255). More...
static Color4 MediumTurquoise [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (72, 209, 204, 255). More...
static Color4 MediumVioletRed [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (199, 21, 133, 255). More...
static Color4 MidnightBlue [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (25, 25, 112, 255). More...
static Color4 MintCream [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (245, 255, 250, 255). More...
static Color4 MistyRose [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 228, 225, 255). More...
static Color4 Moccasin [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 228, 181, 255). More...
static Color4 NavajoWhite [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 222, 173, 255). More...
static Color4 Navy [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 0, 128, 255). More...
static Color4 OldLace [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (253, 245, 230, 255). More...
static Color4 Olive [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (128, 128, 0, 255). More...
static Color4 OliveDrab [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (107, 142, 35, 255). More...
static Color4 Orange [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 165, 0, 255). More...
static Color4 OrangeRed [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 69, 0, 255). More...
static Color4 Orchid [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (218, 112, 214, 255). More...
static Color4 PaleGoldenrod [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (238, 232, 170, 255). More...
static Color4 PaleGreen [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (152, 251, 152, 255). More...
static Color4 PaleTurquoise [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (175, 238, 238, 255). More...
static Color4 PaleVioletRed [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (219, 112, 147, 255). More...
static Color4 PapayaWhip [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 239, 213, 255). More...
static Color4 PeachPuff [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 218, 185, 255). More...
static Color4 Peru [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (205, 133, 63, 255). More...
static Color4 Pink [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 192, 203, 255). More...
static Color4 Plum [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (221, 160, 221, 255). More...
static Color4 PowderBlue [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (176, 224, 230, 255). More...
static Color4 Purple [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (128, 0, 128, 255). More...
static Color4 Red [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 0, 0, 255). More...
static Color4 RosyBrown [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (188, 143, 143, 255). More...
static Color4 RoyalBlue [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (65, 105, 225, 255). More...
static Color4 SaddleBrown [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (139, 69, 19, 255). More...
static Color4 Salmon [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (250, 128, 114, 255). More...
static Color4 SandyBrown [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (244, 164, 96, 255). More...
static Color4 SeaGreen [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (46, 139, 87, 255). More...
static Color4 SeaShell [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 245, 238, 255). More...
static Color4 Sienna [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (160, 82, 45, 255). More...
static Color4 Silver [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (192, 192, 192, 255). More...
static Color4 SkyBlue [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (135, 206, 235, 255). More...
static Color4 SlateBlue [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (106, 90, 205, 255). More...
static Color4 SlateGray [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (112, 128, 144, 255). More...
static Color4 Snow [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 250, 250, 255). More...
static Color4 SpringGreen [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 255, 127, 255). More...
static Color4 SteelBlue [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (70, 130, 180, 255). More...
static Color4 Tan [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (210, 180, 140, 255). More...
static Color4 Teal [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 128, 128, 255). More...
static Color4 Thistle [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (216, 191, 216, 255). More...
static Color4 Tomato [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 99, 71, 255). More...
static Color4 Turquoise [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (64, 224, 208, 255). More...
static Color4 Violet [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (238, 130, 238, 255). More...
static Color4 Wheat [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (245, 222, 179, 255). More...
static Color4 White [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 255, 255, 255). More...
static Color4 WhiteSmoke [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (245, 245, 245, 255). More...
static Color4 Yellow [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 255, 0, 255). More...
static Color4 YellowGreen [get]
 Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (154, 205, 50, 255). More...

Detailed Description

Represents a color with 4 floating-point components (R, G, B, A).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Color4 ( float  r,
float  g,
float  b,
float  a 

Constructs a new Color4 structure from the specified components.

rThe red component of the new Color4 structure.
gThe green component of the new Color4 structure.
bThe blue component of the new Color4 structure.
aThe alpha component of the new Color4 structure.
OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Color4 ( byte  r,
byte  g,
byte  b,
byte  a 

Constructs a new Color4 structure from the specified components.

rThe red component of the new Color4 structure.
gThe green component of the new Color4 structure.
bThe blue component of the new Color4 structure.
aThe alpha component of the new Color4 structure.
OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Color4 ( Color  color)

Constructs a new Color4 structure from the specified System.Drawing.Color.

colorThe System.Drawing.Color containing the component values.

Member Function Documentation

override bool OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Equals ( object  obj)

Compares whether this Color4 structure is equal to the specified object.

objAn object to compare to.
True obj is a Color4 structure with the same components as this Color4; false otherwise.
bool OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Equals ( Color4  other)

Compares whether this Color4 structure is equal to the specified Color4.

otherThe Color4 structure to compare to.
True if both Color4 structures contain the same components; false otherwise.
override int OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.GetHashCode ( )

Calculates the hash code for this Color4 structure.

A System.Int32 containing the hashcode of this Color4 structure.
static OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.operator Color ( Color4  color)

Converts the specified Color4 to a System.Drawing.Color structure.

colorThe Color4 to convert.
A new System.Drawing.Color structure containing the converted components.
static implicit OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.operator Color4 ( Color  color)

Converts the specified System.Drawing.Color to a Color4 structure.

colorThe System.Drawing.Color to convert.
A new Color4 structure containing the converted components.
static bool OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.operator!= ( Color4  left,
Color4  right 

Compares the specified Color4 structures for inequality.

leftThe left-hand side of the comparison.
rightThe right-hand side of the comparison.
True if left is not equal to right; false otherwise.
static bool OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.operator== ( Color4  left,
Color4  right 

Compares the specified Color4 structures for equality.

leftThe left-hand side of the comparison.
rightThe right-hand side of the comparison.
True if left is equal to right; false otherwise.
int OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.ToArgb ( )

Converts this color to an integer representation with 8 bits per channel.

A System.Int32 that represents this instance.

This method is intended only for compatibility with System.Drawing. It compresses the color into 8 bits per channel, which means color information is lost.

override string OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.ToString ( )

Creates a System.String that describes this Color4 structure.

A System.String that describes this Color4 structure.

Member Data Documentation

float OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.A

The alpha component of this Color4 structure.

float OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.B

The blue component of this Color4 structure.

float OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.G

The green component of this Color4 structure.

float OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.R

The red component of this Color4 structure.

Property Documentation

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.AliceBlue

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (240, 248, 255, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.AntiqueWhite

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (250, 235, 215, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Aqua

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 255, 255, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Aquamarine

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (127, 255, 212, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Azure

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (240, 255, 255, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Beige

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (245, 245, 220, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Bisque

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 228, 196, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Black

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 0, 0, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.BlanchedAlmond

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 235, 205, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Blue

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 0, 255, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.BlueViolet

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (138, 43, 226, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Brown

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (165, 42, 42, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.BurlyWood

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (222, 184, 135, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.CadetBlue

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (95, 158, 160, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Chartreuse

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (127, 255, 0, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Chocolate

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (210, 105, 30, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Coral

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 127, 80, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.CornflowerBlue

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (100, 149, 237, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Cornsilk

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 248, 220, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Crimson

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (220, 20, 60, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Cyan

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 255, 255, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.DarkBlue

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 0, 139, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.DarkCyan

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 139, 139, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.DarkGoldenrod

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (184, 134, 11, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.DarkGray

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (169, 169, 169, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.DarkGreen

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 100, 0, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.DarkKhaki

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (189, 183, 107, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.DarkMagenta

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (139, 0, 139, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.DarkOliveGreen

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (85, 107, 47, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.DarkOrange

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 140, 0, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.DarkOrchid

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (153, 50, 204, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.DarkRed

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (139, 0, 0, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.DarkSalmon

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (233, 150, 122, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.DarkSeaGreen

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (143, 188, 139, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.DarkSlateBlue

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (72, 61, 139, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.DarkSlateGray

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (47, 79, 79, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.DarkTurquoise

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 206, 209, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.DarkViolet

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (148, 0, 211, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.DeepPink

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 20, 147, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.DeepSkyBlue

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 191, 255, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.DimGray

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (105, 105, 105, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.DodgerBlue

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (30, 144, 255, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Firebrick

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (178, 34, 34, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.FloralWhite

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 250, 240, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.ForestGreen

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (34, 139, 34, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Fuchsia

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 0, 255, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Gainsboro

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (220, 220, 220, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.GhostWhite

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (248, 248, 255, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Gold

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 215, 0, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Goldenrod

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (218, 165, 32, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Gray

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (128, 128, 128, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Green

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 128, 0, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.GreenYellow

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (173, 255, 47, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Honeydew

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (240, 255, 240, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.HotPink

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 105, 180, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.IndianRed

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (205, 92, 92, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Indigo

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (75, 0, 130, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Ivory

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 255, 240, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Khaki

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (240, 230, 140, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Lavender

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (230, 230, 250, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.LavenderBlush

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 240, 245, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.LawnGreen

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (124, 252, 0, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.LemonChiffon

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 250, 205, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.LightBlue

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (173, 216, 230, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.LightCoral

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (240, 128, 128, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.LightCyan

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (224, 255, 255, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.LightGoldenrodYellow

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (250, 250, 210, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.LightGray

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (211, 211, 211, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.LightGreen

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (144, 238, 144, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.LightPink

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 182, 193, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.LightSalmon

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 160, 122, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.LightSeaGreen

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (32, 178, 170, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.LightSkyBlue

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (135, 206, 250, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.LightSlateGray

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (119, 136, 153, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.LightSteelBlue

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (176, 196, 222, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.LightYellow

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 255, 224, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Lime

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 255, 0, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.LimeGreen

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (50, 205, 50, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Linen

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (250, 240, 230, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Magenta

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 0, 255, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Maroon

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (128, 0, 0, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.MediumAquamarine

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (102, 205, 170, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.MediumBlue

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 0, 205, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.MediumOrchid

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (186, 85, 211, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.MediumPurple

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (147, 112, 219, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.MediumSeaGreen

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (60, 179, 113, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.MediumSlateBlue

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (123, 104, 238, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.MediumSpringGreen

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 250, 154, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.MediumTurquoise

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (72, 209, 204, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.MediumVioletRed

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (199, 21, 133, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.MidnightBlue

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (25, 25, 112, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.MintCream

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (245, 255, 250, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.MistyRose

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 228, 225, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Moccasin

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 228, 181, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.NavajoWhite

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 222, 173, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Navy

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 0, 128, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.OldLace

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (253, 245, 230, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Olive

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (128, 128, 0, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.OliveDrab

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (107, 142, 35, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Orange

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 165, 0, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.OrangeRed

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 69, 0, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Orchid

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (218, 112, 214, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.PaleGoldenrod

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (238, 232, 170, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.PaleGreen

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (152, 251, 152, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.PaleTurquoise

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (175, 238, 238, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.PaleVioletRed

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (219, 112, 147, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.PapayaWhip

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 239, 213, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.PeachPuff

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 218, 185, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Peru

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (205, 133, 63, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Pink

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 192, 203, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Plum

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (221, 160, 221, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.PowderBlue

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (176, 224, 230, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Purple

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (128, 0, 128, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Red

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 0, 0, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.RosyBrown

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (188, 143, 143, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.RoyalBlue

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (65, 105, 225, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.SaddleBrown

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (139, 69, 19, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Salmon

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (250, 128, 114, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.SandyBrown

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (244, 164, 96, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.SeaGreen

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (46, 139, 87, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.SeaShell

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 245, 238, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Sienna

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (160, 82, 45, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Silver

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (192, 192, 192, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.SkyBlue

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (135, 206, 235, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.SlateBlue

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (106, 90, 205, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.SlateGray

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (112, 128, 144, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Snow

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 250, 250, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.SpringGreen

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 255, 127, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.SteelBlue

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (70, 130, 180, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Tan

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (210, 180, 140, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Teal

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (0, 128, 128, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Thistle

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (216, 191, 216, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Tomato

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 99, 71, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Transparent

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 255, 255, 0).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Turquoise

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (64, 224, 208, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Violet

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (238, 130, 238, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Wheat

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (245, 222, 179, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.White

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 255, 255, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.WhiteSmoke

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (245, 245, 245, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.Yellow

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (255, 255, 0, 255).

Color4 OpenTK.Graphics.Color4.YellowGreen

Gets the system color with (R, G, B, A) = (154, 205, 50, 255).