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OpenTK.Vector4h Struct Reference

4-component Vector of the Half type. Occupies 8 Byte total. More...

Inherits ISerializable, and IEquatable< Vector4h >.

Public Member Functions

 Vector4h (Half value)
 Constructs a new instance. More...
 Vector4h (Single value)
 Constructs a new instance. More...
 Vector4h (Half x, Half y, Half z, Half w)
 The new Half4 instance will avoid conversion and copy directly from the Half parameters. More...
 Vector4h (Single x, Single y, Single z, Single w)
 The new Half4 instance will convert the 4 parameters into 16-bit half-precision floating-point. More...
 Vector4h (Single x, Single y, Single z, Single w, bool throwOnError)
 The new Half4 instance will convert the 4 parameters into 16-bit half-precision floating-point. More...
 Vector4h (Vector4 v)
 The new Half4 instance will convert the Vector4 into 16-bit half-precision floating-point. More...
 Vector4h (Vector4 v, bool throwOnError)
 The new Half4 instance will convert the Vector4 into 16-bit half-precision floating-point. More...
 Vector4h (ref Vector4 v)
 The new Half4 instance will convert the Vector4 into 16-bit half-precision floating-point. This is the fastest constructor. More...
 Vector4h (ref Vector4 v, bool throwOnError)
 The new Half4 instance will convert the Vector4 into 16-bit half-precision floating-point. More...
 Vector4h (Vector4d v)
 The new Half4 instance will convert the Vector4d into 16-bit half-precision floating-point. More...
 Vector4h (Vector4d v, bool throwOnError)
 The new Half4 instance will convert the Vector4d into 16-bit half-precision floating-point. More...
 Vector4h (ref Vector4d v)
 The new Half4 instance will convert the Vector4d into 16-bit half-precision floating-point. This is the faster constructor. More...
 Vector4h (ref Vector4d v, bool throwOnError)
 The new Half4 instance will convert the Vector4d into 16-bit half-precision floating-point. More...
Vector4 ToVector4 ()
 Returns this Half4 instance's contents as Vector4. More...
Vector4d ToVector4d ()
 Returns this Half4 instance's contents as Vector4d. More...
 Vector4h (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
 Constructor used by ISerializable to deserialize the object. More...
void GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
 Used by ISerialize to serialize the object. More...
void FromBinaryStream (BinaryReader bin)
 Updates the X,Y,Z and W components of this instance by reading from a Stream. More...
void ToBinaryStream (BinaryWriter bin)
 Writes the X,Y,Z and W components of this instance into a Stream. More...
bool Equals (Vector4h other)
 Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified OpenTK.Half4 vector. More...
override string ToString ()
 Returns a string that contains this Half4's numbers in human-legible form. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static operator Vector4h (Vector4 v4f)
 Converts OpenTK.Vector4 to OpenTK.Half4. More...
static operator Vector4h (Vector4d v4d)
 Converts OpenTK.Vector4d to OpenTK.Half4. More...
static operator Vector4 (Vector4h h4)
 Converts OpenTK.Half4 to OpenTK.Vector4. More...
static operator Vector4d (Vector4h h4)
 Converts OpenTK.Half4 to OpenTK.Vector4d. More...
static byte[] GetBytes (Vector4h h)
 Returns the Half4 as an array of bytes. More...
static Vector4h FromBytes (byte[] value, int startIndex)
 Converts an array of bytes into Half4. More...

Public Attributes

Half X
 The X component of the Half4. More...
Half Y
 The Y component of the Half4. More...
Half Z
 The Z component of the Half4. More...
Half W
 The W component of the Half4. More...

Static Public Attributes

static readonly int SizeInBytes = 8
 The size in bytes for an instance of the Half4 struct is 8. More...


Vector2h Xy [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the X and Y components of this instance. More...
Vector2h Xz [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the X and Z components of this instance. More...
Vector2h Xw [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the X and W components of this instance. More...
Vector2h Yx [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the Y and X components of this instance. More...
Vector2h Yz [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the Y and Z components of this instance. More...
Vector2h Yw [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the Y and W components of this instance. More...
Vector2h Zx [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the Z and X components of this instance. More...
Vector2h Zy [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the Z and Y components of this instance. More...
Vector2h Zw [get, set]
 Gets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the Z and W components of this instance. More...
Vector2h Wx [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the W and X components of this instance. More...
Vector2h Wy [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the W and Y components of this instance. More...
Vector2h Wz [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the W and Z components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Xyz [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the X, Y, and Z components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Xyw [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the X, Y, and Z components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Xzy [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the X, Z, and Y components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Xzw [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the X, Z, and W components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Xwy [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the X, W, and Y components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Xwz [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the X, W, and Z components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Yxz [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Y, X, and Z components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Yxw [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Y, X, and W components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Yzx [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Y, Z, and X components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Yzw [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Y, Z, and W components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Ywx [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Y, W, and X components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Ywz [get, set]
 Gets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Y, W, and Z components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Zxy [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Z, X, and Y components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Zxw [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Z, X, and W components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Zyx [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Z, Y, and X components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Zyw [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Z, Y, and W components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Zwx [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Z, W, and X components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Zwy [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Z, W, and Y components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Wxy [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the W, X, and Y components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Wxz [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the W, X, and Z components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Wyx [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the W, Y, and X components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Wyz [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the W, Y, and Z components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Wzx [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the W, Z, and X components of this instance. More...
Vector3h Wzy [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the W, Z, and Y components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Xywz [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the X, Y, W, and Z components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Xzyw [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the X, Z, Y, and W components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Xzwy [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the X, Z, W, and Y components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Xwyz [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the X, W, Y, and Z components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Xwzy [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the X, W, Z, and Y components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Yxzw [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Y, X, Z, and W components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Yxwz [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Y, X, W, and Z components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Yyzw [get, set]
 Gets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Y, Y, Z, and W components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Yywz [get, set]
 Gets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Y, Y, W, and Z components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Yzxw [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Y, Z, X, and W components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Yzwx [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Y, Z, W, and X components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Ywxz [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Y, W, X, and Z components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Ywzx [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Y, W, Z, and X components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Zxyw [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Z, X, Y, and Z components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Zxwy [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Z, X, W, and Y components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Zyxw [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Z, Y, X, and W components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Zywx [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Z, Y, W, and X components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Zwxy [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Z, W, X, and Y components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Zwyx [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Z, W, Y, and X components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Zwzy [get, set]
 Gets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Z, W, Z, and Y components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Wxyz [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the W, X, Y, and Z components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Wxzy [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the W, X, Z, and Y components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Wyxz [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the W, Y, X, and Z components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Wyzx [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the W, Y, Z, and X components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Wzxy [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the W, Z, X, and Y components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Wzyx [get, set]
 Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the W, Z, Y, and X components of this instance. More...
Vector4h Wzyw [get, set]
 Gets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the W, Z, Y, and W components of this instance. More...

Detailed Description

4-component Vector of the Half type. Occupies 8 Byte total.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OpenTK.Vector4h.Vector4h ( Half  value)

Constructs a new instance.

valueThe value that will initialize this instance.
OpenTK.Vector4h.Vector4h ( Single  value)

Constructs a new instance.

valueThe value that will initialize this instance.
OpenTK.Vector4h.Vector4h ( Half  x,
Half  y,
Half  z,
Half  w 

The new Half4 instance will avoid conversion and copy directly from the Half parameters.

xAn Half instance of a 16-bit half-precision floating-point number.
yAn Half instance of a 16-bit half-precision floating-point number.
zAn Half instance of a 16-bit half-precision floating-point number.
wAn Half instance of a 16-bit half-precision floating-point number.
OpenTK.Vector4h.Vector4h ( Single  x,
Single  y,
Single  z,
Single  w 

The new Half4 instance will convert the 4 parameters into 16-bit half-precision floating-point.

x32-bit single-precision floating-point number.
y32-bit single-precision floating-point number.
z32-bit single-precision floating-point number.
w32-bit single-precision floating-point number.
OpenTK.Vector4h.Vector4h ( Single  x,
Single  y,
Single  z,
Single  w,
bool  throwOnError 

The new Half4 instance will convert the 4 parameters into 16-bit half-precision floating-point.

x32-bit single-precision floating-point number.
y32-bit single-precision floating-point number.
z32-bit single-precision floating-point number.
w32-bit single-precision floating-point number.
throwOnErrorEnable checks that will throw if the conversion result is not meaningful.
OpenTK.Vector4h.Vector4h ( Vector4  v)

The new Half4 instance will convert the Vector4 into 16-bit half-precision floating-point.

OpenTK.Vector4h.Vector4h ( Vector4  v,
bool  throwOnError 

The new Half4 instance will convert the Vector4 into 16-bit half-precision floating-point.

throwOnErrorEnable checks that will throw if the conversion result is not meaningful.
OpenTK.Vector4h.Vector4h ( ref Vector4  v)

The new Half4 instance will convert the Vector4 into 16-bit half-precision floating-point. This is the fastest constructor.

OpenTK.Vector4h.Vector4h ( ref Vector4  v,
bool  throwOnError 

The new Half4 instance will convert the Vector4 into 16-bit half-precision floating-point.

throwOnErrorEnable checks that will throw if the conversion result is not meaningful.
OpenTK.Vector4h.Vector4h ( Vector4d  v)

The new Half4 instance will convert the Vector4d into 16-bit half-precision floating-point.

OpenTK.Vector4h.Vector4h ( Vector4d  v,
bool  throwOnError 

The new Half4 instance will convert the Vector4d into 16-bit half-precision floating-point.

throwOnErrorEnable checks that will throw if the conversion result is not meaningful.
OpenTK.Vector4h.Vector4h ( ref Vector4d  v)

The new Half4 instance will convert the Vector4d into 16-bit half-precision floating-point. This is the faster constructor.

OpenTK.Vector4h.Vector4h ( ref Vector4d  v,
bool  throwOnError 

The new Half4 instance will convert the Vector4d into 16-bit half-precision floating-point.

throwOnErrorEnable checks that will throw if the conversion result is not meaningful.
OpenTK.Vector4h.Vector4h ( SerializationInfo  info,
StreamingContext  context 

Constructor used by ISerializable to deserialize the object.


Member Function Documentation

bool OpenTK.Vector4h.Equals ( Vector4h  other)

Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified OpenTK.Half4 vector.

otherOpenTK.Half4 to compare to this instance..
True, if other is equal to this instance; false otherwise.
void OpenTK.Vector4h.FromBinaryStream ( BinaryReader  bin)

Updates the X,Y,Z and W components of this instance by reading from a Stream.

binA BinaryReader instance associated with an open Stream.
static Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.FromBytes ( byte[]  value,
int  startIndex 

Converts an array of bytes into Half4.

valueA Half4 in it's byte[] representation.
startIndexThe starting position within value.
A new Half4 instance.
static byte [] OpenTK.Vector4h.GetBytes ( Vector4h  h)

Returns the Half4 as an array of bytes.

hThe Half4 to convert.
The input as byte array.
void OpenTK.Vector4h.GetObjectData ( SerializationInfo  info,
StreamingContext  context 

Used by ISerialize to serialize the object.

static OpenTK.Vector4h.operator Vector4 ( Vector4h  h4)

Converts OpenTK.Half4 to OpenTK.Vector4.

h4The Half4 to convert.
The resulting Vector4.
static OpenTK.Vector4h.operator Vector4d ( Vector4h  h4)

Converts OpenTK.Half4 to OpenTK.Vector4d.

h4The Half4 to convert.
The resulting Vector4d.
static OpenTK.Vector4h.operator Vector4h ( Vector4  v4f)

Converts OpenTK.Vector4 to OpenTK.Half4.

v4fThe Vector4 to convert.
The resulting Half vector.
static OpenTK.Vector4h.operator Vector4h ( Vector4d  v4d)

Converts OpenTK.Vector4d to OpenTK.Half4.

v4dThe Vector4d to convert.
The resulting Half vector.
void OpenTK.Vector4h.ToBinaryStream ( BinaryWriter  bin)

Writes the X,Y,Z and W components of this instance into a Stream.

binA BinaryWriter instance associated with an open Stream.
override string OpenTK.Vector4h.ToString ( )

Returns a string that contains this Half4's numbers in human-legible form.

Vector4 OpenTK.Vector4h.ToVector4 ( )

Returns this Half4 instance's contents as Vector4.

Vector4d OpenTK.Vector4h.ToVector4d ( )

Returns this Half4 instance's contents as Vector4d.

Member Data Documentation

readonly int OpenTK.Vector4h.SizeInBytes = 8

The size in bytes for an instance of the Half4 struct is 8.

Half OpenTK.Vector4h.W

The W component of the Half4.

Half OpenTK.Vector4h.X

The X component of the Half4.

Half OpenTK.Vector4h.Y

The Y component of the Half4.

Half OpenTK.Vector4h.Z

The Z component of the Half4.

Property Documentation

Vector2h OpenTK.Vector4h.Wx

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the W and X components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Wxy

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the W, X, and Y components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Wxyz

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the W, X, Y, and Z components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Wxz

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the W, X, and Z components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Wxzy

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the W, X, Z, and Y components of this instance.

Vector2h OpenTK.Vector4h.Wy

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the W and Y components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Wyx

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the W, Y, and X components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Wyxz

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the W, Y, X, and Z components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Wyz

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the W, Y, and Z components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Wyzx

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the W, Y, Z, and X components of this instance.

Vector2h OpenTK.Vector4h.Wz

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the W and Z components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Wzx

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the W, Z, and X components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Wzxy

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the W, Z, X, and Y components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Wzy

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the W, Z, and Y components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Wzyw

Gets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the W, Z, Y, and W components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Wzyx

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the W, Z, Y, and X components of this instance.

Vector2h OpenTK.Vector4h.Xw

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the X and W components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Xwy

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the X, W, and Y components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Xwyz

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the X, W, Y, and Z components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Xwz

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the X, W, and Z components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Xwzy

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the X, W, Z, and Y components of this instance.

Vector2h OpenTK.Vector4h.Xy

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the X and Y components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Xyw

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the X, Y, and Z components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Xywz

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the X, Y, W, and Z components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Xyz

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the X, Y, and Z components of this instance.

Vector2h OpenTK.Vector4h.Xz

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the X and Z components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Xzw

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the X, Z, and W components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Xzwy

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the X, Z, W, and Y components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Xzy

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the X, Z, and Y components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Xzyw

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the X, Z, Y, and W components of this instance.

Vector2h OpenTK.Vector4h.Yw

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the Y and W components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Ywx

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Y, W, and X components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Ywxz

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Y, W, X, and Z components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Ywz

Gets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Y, W, and Z components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Ywzx

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Y, W, Z, and X components of this instance.

Vector2h OpenTK.Vector4h.Yx

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the Y and X components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Yxw

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Y, X, and W components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Yxwz

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Y, X, W, and Z components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Yxz

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Y, X, and Z components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Yxzw

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Y, X, Z, and W components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Yywz

Gets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Y, Y, W, and Z components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Yyzw

Gets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Y, Y, Z, and W components of this instance.

Vector2h OpenTK.Vector4h.Yz

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the Y and Z components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Yzw

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Y, Z, and W components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Yzwx

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Y, Z, W, and X components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Yzx

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Y, Z, and X components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Yzxw

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Y, Z, X, and W components of this instance.

Vector2h OpenTK.Vector4h.Zw

Gets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the Z and W components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Zwx

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Z, W, and X components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Zwxy

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Z, W, X, and Y components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Zwy

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Z, W, and Y components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Zwyx

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Z, W, Y, and X components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Zwzy

Gets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Z, W, Z, and Y components of this instance.

Vector2h OpenTK.Vector4h.Zx

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the Z and X components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Zxw

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Z, X, and W components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Zxwy

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Z, X, W, and Y components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Zxy

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Z, X, and Y components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Zxyw

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Z, X, Y, and Z components of this instance.

Vector2h OpenTK.Vector4h.Zy

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector2h with the Z and Y components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Zyw

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Z, Y, and W components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Zywx

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Z, Y, W, and X components of this instance.

Vector3h OpenTK.Vector4h.Zyx

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector3h with the Z, Y, and X components of this instance.

Vector4h OpenTK.Vector4h.Zyxw

Gets or sets an OpenTK.Vector4h with the Z, Y, X, and W components of this instance.